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What women really want?

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  • Vedder007
    Back in cavemen days, it was the men who hunted while the women tended to the family. A man's worth was measured by how well he could take care of his wife, family, tribe.

    It is no different today. Deep inside each man/woman still lie primal instincts. Equating wealth to financial stability and ultimately survival, women of today are no different from their ancestors.

    But I am over simplifying things and have not accounted for the negative stigma of being rich, of spending daddy's money, of being a good for nothing son, of being a womaniser.

    Whether women prefer richer men really depends on their own 'survival instincts'. An independant woman who is well able to support herself will not drool over a guy who drives a GTR/Ferrari. Quite the opposite, she may go after someone whom she could control and dominate.

    But a woman whose survival instincts are high, due to materialism or social or family upbringing, may go 'all out' to get what they want.

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  • pet
    dunno wht chabor 1... i know wht i wnt ( look nia, i lookie look i know... )... haahahaa

    走在人挤人的呀笼道, 我问了自已
    看到坐在角落的妞们, 我又问自已
    究竟应该继续, 还是该放弃
    没有人能了解我, 现在的心情
    想看,想摸,还是想搞, 难以决定

    i tee gor ..

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  • mleewh
    Originally posted by Oceanklassik View Post
    Agree and disagree. Agree that women of today are hell lot of realistic. Disagree that they are quiet about it. They do TALK out loud!

    i guess around your circles of female counterparts are of what you mentioned..i think you may wish to widen your circle even further.. not all girls are that materialistic like wad you have may have not met one yet...

    come on.. lets do da other way round.. dont man yearn for nice figure, stunning features, can cook.. etc qualities in women?

    i think this very debative.. women are contradicting ppl.. they tend to comtemplates alot.. one min they think you are the one.. den another they may find someone even better..

    comparison is not just wad a women like to do.. i am sure man does that...

    anywayz.. to me man with qualities like looks.. money.. career.. have flaws.. i mean irregardless women or man.. no matter how perfect you are in da outside.. you are bound to have inperfection within..

    i think women of current era.. with their current capabilities to earn the dough back for themseleves tends to speak louder.. and i have seen women who openly look out for rich boys only and cannot even settle for anything lesser..

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  • Oceanklassik
    Agree and disagree. Agree that women of today are hell lot of realistic. Disagree that they are quiet about it. They do TALK out loud!

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  • teo
    Having a car or those that take mrt and bus? women do compare.

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  • triton
    i dont agree with you. there is 1 female whom i know one who say it outright what type of guys she wants to be with. till today, i have yet to see her with guys who do not possess the qualities she asking for.

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  • Watch-connoisseur
    started a topic What women really want?

    What women really want?

    Something interesting I've found on the net to share:

    If we ask any woman what she's looking for in a man, she'll come out with a long list of ennobling qualities: a sense of humor; a guy who's nice to her and treats her well; good values; a strong moral character, interesting and intelligent, but monetary terms will never be in the picture.. Does that means she will go for the poor guys if he have the above qualities? ... NO...

    Many women lie.. They are experts at self-deceit because if they ever admitted to themselves what they really want from men, then they'd be forced to acknowledge that they don't really want a "nice" guy.. They are equally contradicting as they always lament about the lack of "Nice" men arounds..

    I always watch what a woman does, rather than what she says.. And what does she actually do? When it comes to choosing men, she heads straight for the cash.. What women want most from men -- and therefore the criterion most significant to them in selecting a mate -- is money or the assurance of thereof in the future.. That's probably why guys with a bigger house have an edge over the poor live-with-parents-kid.. And guys driving Lexus have an edge over SMRT riders...

    You'll never catch a woman saying what she wants is a tall handsome man who drives a continental car, with lots of money and lives in a condo.. They got to have thick skin aka leather to do that (and we all know how lovingly soft the skins of sweet asian things are.)

    Some women are blatant about their mercenary choices, openly choosing men with substantial material assets that they can exploit.. But most are subconscious hypocrites, screening out less successful men without admitting it to themselves.. They publicly announce that all they want is a nice guy, but privately disregard any men who don't meet their elevated standards for money, success, and status..

    Let's be honest -- if women really chose men based on what they say they're looking for, then every nice, average guy out there would be besieged with females trying to go out with him.. Like my friend Peter, who is nice but average looking generally stay at home on the weekends with a date from the PC/TV..

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