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Tearing off Green Hologram

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  • DoubleK
    Originally posted by paithorn View Post
    Thanks for sharing....

    My own experince....
    Thot of asking AD to remove for me but i know sure have to pay 1st then he do it. What if he scratches it? I dun think he will gimme a new one right? Might as well not take the risk...
    I tried to remove by blunt plastic scrapper this time but ended up a messy job so I push back the hologram...
    I do not like another piece of plastic over it as it will be less comfy to wear the watch....
    I wore with hologram on the last watch but beware....due to the heat...after 2 weeks to 3 weeks, the hologram will sort of "melt" and it is harder to remove the sticky stuff, not to mention the state of the hologram...
    It will not be harder to remove... wear it longer, soon you can easily peel it off.... u can throw away the hologram by then... cos stinkO also...

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  • paithorn
    Thanks for sharing....

    My own experince....
    Thot of asking AD to remove for me but i know sure have to pay 1st then he do it. What if he scratches it? I dun think he will gimme a new one right? Might as well not take the risk...
    I tried to remove by blunt plastic scrapper this time but ended up a messy job so I push back the hologram...
    I do not like another piece of plastic over it as it will be less comfy to wear the watch....
    I wore with hologram on the last watch but beware....due to the heat...after 2 weeks to 3 weeks, the hologram will sort of "melt" and it is harder to remove the sticky stuff, not to mention the state of the hologram...

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  • louisoh
    i tink any clear plastic eg, something like alumnium foil kinda material... no need wrap round the watch la... juz put at the back.. it'll kinda 'stick' to your watch back.. but is still removable so when u remove the clear 'sticker', it will not deface your hologram also...

    rem.. it's juz something to protec the hologram from ur sweat.. lol ..

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  • DoubleK
    Originally posted by ohlins View Post
    i just wear the watch until the sticker falls off......lazy to peel it off and it's just a sticker anyway....
    sama sama, me found out when a friend bought his thru the sales person.
    anyway, was told the holograms can be sold off (price no idea) at that time.

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  • ohlins
    i just wear the watch until the sticker falls off......lazy to peel it off and it's just a sticker anyway....

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  • DoubleK
    Originally posted by paithorn View Post
    Anyone expert here?

    I tried to do so but ended up quite bad job so just pushed it back..... My 1st watch somehow managed to peel it off quite well. Saw on the forum that they use a knief but I do not want to do so as may end up scratching the back of watch.... likewise I do not fancy the use of any liquids.....
    MY TRICK>>>

    To remove the hologram...

    1. constantly wear it for months, and the hologram can be peeled off easily.

    2. when brand new, use a hair dryer, blow at the hologram, use an ice cream kinda stick (sharpen one side of it just like a pen knife blade),wet it with nail polish remover solution and slowly peel it while back is still hot. (Hair dryer=melts the glue inbetween the hologram and the case)...

    3. The hassle free way, bought it that time, ask the guy to do it for you.

    That's all I can say... any further questions, SHOUT for my nick and I'll be here...
    Last edited by DoubleK; 10-07-07, 10:09 AM.

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  • froggy

    good idea, any suggestion where to get such clear stickers?

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  • louisoh
    i tink as an alternative.. u can use a clear sticker to 'protect' the hologram from ur sweat, etc...

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  • paithorn
    started a topic Tearing off Green Hologram

    Tearing off Green Hologram

    Anyone expert here?

    I tried to do so but ended up quite bad job so just pushed it back..... My 1st watch somehow managed to peel it off quite well. Saw on the forum that they use a knief but I do not want to do so as may end up scratching the back of watch.... likewise I do not fancy the use of any liquids.....

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